Connector Workshop

PingOne DaVinci

PingOne DaVinci's primary advantage lies in its seamless integration with third-party applications.
Currently, the Integration Team is solely responsible for connector creation, while the UX team provides the necessary assets.

The Integration Team faced the challenge of minimizing development time while expanding the service connector portfolio.

Connector Listing on PingOne DaVinci

Business Objective
Rapidly increase the number of third-party applications in the service connector portfolio to expand the integration capabilities of PingOne DaVinci and to enable customers to effortlessly construct workflows that integrate with their organization's existing services.

Development of the PingOne DaVinci Connector Workshop, a multi-functional integration design tool that empowers customers and partners to actively participate in the connector building process.

Upload API Specification

This tool lets users provide API specifications, allowing us to generate DaVinci connectors on their behalf.

API specification is uploaded to be validated for creation.

Step 1- Select Capabilities

Users can select from the list of generated capabilities to include in their connector.

The design features a primary list on the left displaying all available capabilities and a secondary list on the right summarizing selected capabilities, ensuring clarity regarding the capabilities to be included in the connector.

Step 2 - Edit Capabilities

Users have the ability to edit individual capability name and description auto-generated by the specification.

Step 3 - Connector Details

This tool enables branding customization. Users can personalize the logo and connector color in this step.

The preview provides a visual representation of how the connector will appear and be listed on the flow canvas within PingOne DaVinci.

I collaborated with the engineering team on coding logic to ensure that the color selection will pass accessibility standards.

Step 4 - Review

The Integration Team reached the objective of 100+ connectors, and continually expanding as Ping Identity and third-party developers introduce new integrations.

This tool fosters community engagement while expanding the integration capabilities of PingOne DaVinci.
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